Monday 6 March 2017

HP Swimming

Yesterday we had HP swimming which stands for Hauraki Plains Swimming Sports. All the schools in the Hauraki District come the the pools and compete to try and qualify for Thames Valley. From our school swimming sports I decided to go for The Medley ( 1 fly, 1 Freestyle, 1 Back  and 1 breast) I also went for 2 and 3 lengths Breaststroke and freestyle, I also went for 1 length Butterfly. I started of with the medley which I did ok in then I have 2 breast which I also did ok in. I next had 2 lengths freestyle. I had a break for a while the had 1 length fly which I did ok in. I next had 3 Breaststroke and Freestyle. I think that I went to fast at the start because I started getting really tired but in breaststroke I think I went the perfect speed. I had a really good day.

1 comment:

  1. You sound like you have had a good day! I really enjoy reading your blog posts!

    Keep it up!
