Monday 20 March 2017

Before camp Questions

Image result for quotes about leadership great leaders don't  set out to be a leaderMy goal for camp is to build more positive relationships with others when I am on camp. I hope to have heaps of fun and explore new things. I’m willing to try new things and I am able to get myself sorted. Some of my strengths are that I can help others when they need help, I am trustworthy will do the right thing at the right time. I will need to use resilience and connecting. If we have any problems on camp i’ll talk to a parent helper or a teacher, I would ask them what was wrong and if I can help.

If people are feeling sick in the car I can ask them if they want my seat if it is a bit better than theirs. If we decided to listen to music we would all have a chance to pick a song. In my activity group I wouldn’t rush to go first and I will put others before myself. In my cabin I won’t keep them up all night talking and I won’t move all their stuff. I won’t hog the bathroom in the morning ever. I’m really looking forward to Kayaking down the river, Inflatable world, AC Baths and swimming at Lake Taupo the most. I am a little bit nervous for the high ropes but i’m sure i’ll be fine. You will be able to see a group of kids laughing, having fun, connecting and learning more about each other. Overall it will be a great experience.

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