Monday 20 March 2017

Pāpaka’s learning Team Recipe

3 KL   encouragement 
2 ½  cups resilience                 
2 Tons  Respect 
4  Tons FUN!! 
1 ½ cups Trust 
5 KG Communication 


 Preheat your VERY LARGE oven to 300 ℃
Grab a extremely large truck bin and a large wooden spoon. 
Place 1.5 KL of encouragement and 2 ½ cups of resilience. 
Gradually start pouring in your 100 Mls of respect. Stir vigorously then add the last bit of the Encouragement. 
Sift in your 4 Tons of FUN, be resilient because it may take a while. 
Then add your 1 ½ cup of Trust. 
Lastly add the 5 KG of Communication then stir it all together. 
Place into the oven for 2 Hours.  (It may be a very large oven)
Once it is all cooked you will enjoy the best team and have lots of fun!! 

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