Monday 6 March 2017

Current Events: Mccartney sets another New Zealand record

Image result for eliza mccartneyOlympic bronze medalist Eliza Mccartney has beat the Oceania record before winning the Pole Vault at the Auckland track challenge last Monday. Mccartney vaulted 4.82 meters, beating Australian Alana Boyd’s Record. The jump was 2 centimeters ahead of her own national record.
Source: Kiwi Kids News
3 words
Vaulted : Completed the vault.
Oceania : Islands in the central and southern pacific ocean.
Challenge: To Participate in a harder task to test someone's abilities.
My Opinion: I think that it is awesome that  she is beating other records and even her own.
My Wondering: I am  wondering how long she has been practicing for and how does she get her technique.

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