Wednesday 11 November 2015

Maths Reflection

This year for maths I am  in the Fozzies. I think I have really improved in everything. My teacher for maths this year was Mrs Taaffe. One reason I think I have made a improvement is because of my AWS and IXL. AWS is a book filled with maths worksheets with basic facts and other activities. I definitely have improved on drawing 3D shapes because I never really knew how to draw cubes. We have also been working on tessellations and they are confusing but fun at the same time. I have sort of mastered Roman numerals but there are some I still have trouble with. Next year I want to know all my roman numerals off by heart. This is kind off like the tessellations we did except we had different shapes and had to turn them to fit without leaving any spaces.

Image result for cool tessellations designs    

Wednesday 4 November 2015

High Jump

This Monday Ngatea school is going to participate in Athletics. On the day you have to do High Jump. We practiced with the wood and elastic.  I caught my foot on the pole so I didn't quite land it right. Before the day I want to work on my jump and getting over the bar at Athletics. Down below will be a video of me doing High jump.  Hope you enjoy :)