Wednesday 23 November 2016

Group Endeavor

As you know this term we have been working on our group endeavors. If you go onto you would be able to see what that is all about.  So far we have answered all our questions and summaries. Jammena and I have started on our creation. Our creation is a model Hydro Dam and wind turbines. We have also started making a website with everything you need to know about your carbon footprint, and of course I will share the link with you.

We have also filmed a video on how solar power works and Ryan is editing it now.  We each had a question to solve and mine was How important is energy in order for everything to work?. That’s a lot of air pollution. Next Friday we are going on a trip to the Mangatangi and Mangatawhiri dams to look at the hydro dams and how they work. I hope by then we can fully understand the system and how it works. By the time you guys have the next update we will be done till then.

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