Monday 28 November 2016

Current Events: China Plans to Build a hotel on Mt Everest

China has big plans to commercialize Mt Everest the Tibetan side of Mt Everest. They have plans for Hotels,  Restaurants and gyms. This idea came after china opened a new asphalt highway to base camp north. In between those places is the Tibetan plateau. However the Tibetan route isn’t as popular as the Nepal one. China is hoping to bring more climbers into the region and bring growth to Tibet through tourism. Another element to develop plans is the 2020 Beijing Winter Olympics. The hope for the Everest development is to popularize the Winter sports in china ahead of the games.  

Source Kiwi Kids News
My opinion : I think it is quite an amazing idea, because you will be able to visit there without having to climb to see the amazing views. I think that I would never go there to climb the mountain but  you can go there to relax. I could see China benefiting from this in many ways.
Fun Fact : I always thought that Mt Everest was in America however it is in Asia.
Rating 8.5/10

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