Thursday 4 May 2017

Winter Sport


This year for my winter sport I am playing netball. I have been playing netball since I was 5 for the school. I play GA, WA, GS. I trialed at the end of last term and got into Ngatea 1. After the holidays we had our first training on the Monday back at school. I personally think that we have started to gel as a team quicker than last year. We had our first 2 games on Wednesday night. This week and next week is grading. We have to play all the teams in our age division to see who we will play in the long run. After school we headed to the courts and got our hoodies and got into our gear. We got the choice if we wanted to order a hoodie and if we did we got to pick a name to have on the back. I choose to had Hoody since my last name is Hood. We also watched some of the younger kids play while we were waiting for our coach. 

Rachel started to warm us up by jumping on the line and running. We started to do stretches such as tip toe, which is when you are on your very tippy toes with you arm high above your head and walking along slowly to stretch your calves. We did grape vine and a few more as well. When Ange got there we started to do some passing. Then Holly and I went and warmed up our shooting arms. We we got handed our bibs I found out I was playing GS. Our first game was against Combined 2, we beat them 23-0. We had a bit of time in between our 2 games so we went into the club rooms and chilled in there. We warmed up again for our net game. This time we were playing Kerepahi 1. I found this game a bit harder because they had a Gk that was a little late on getting the intercept so I got knocked quite a bit. However I still shot a few goals. On the 2nd half I was off so I had a bit of time to rest. We won 19-0. We we went home I had a nice hot shower to rest my muscles. I cant wait till next week when we play again. 

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