Sunday 14 August 2016

Mahe Drysdale wins gold in photo finish

Image result for Mahe drysdale goldMahe Drysdale has won the men’s single sculls at the Rio Olympics.The kiwi won our gold second medal of the Games with a dramatic photo finish victory. The Croatian led the field by a boat length after 1000 m but by the 1500 m mark Drysdale was in front and he appeared to have the race under control.But a sensational burst by the Croatian seemingly beat Drysdale right on on the line.There was then a nervous wait for a minute and a half as the judges checked the photo finish,  before awarding the race to Drysdale but crediting both rowers with the same time.Below is the photo finish. The kiwi boat is the top boat.
Source: Kiwi Kids News
Opinion: I really enjoyed knowing that we have another gold after Valerie got silver

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