Tuesday 24 May 2016

Current Events: First Night Flight in Queenstown

First night flight in Queenstown

The first evening flight in Queenstown occured last night. Air New Zealand flight NZ613 touched down before 7:30 and departed again at 8:30 back to Auckland.  Over the last 6 months work had been done to upgrade Queenstown runway, airfield lighting and airline procedures for the ability to take night time flights.  It is hoped that the ability to run night time flight will increase the number for tourists  coming into the area. Air New Zealand said it was exciting to launch the service, just before the winter ski season. The airline's full evening schedule will take effect from July 3.
Ability: Possession of the means or skills to do something
Tourists:  A person who is travelling or visiting a place for pleasure
Service: The action of helping or doing work for someone
My Opinion: I think its cool that there is a chance we have more tourists to make our country more popular.
Source: Kiwi Kids News 

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