Wednesday 6 July 2016

Making fry bread

Today at school I made Fry Bread. We had to put in all the ingredients, mix,knead and cook. They were really yum!!!

Fry Bread Recipe (enough per pair)

¼  cup of warm water
½  teaspoon of sugar                       
½  teaspoon of yeast
½  cup of plain flour                    
½  teaspoon of salt
Cooking oil

Add sugar to water and dissolve, then sprinkle the yeast over the top.

Mix the flour and salt in a large bowl and stir in the yeast mixture (can add more flour if needed). Roll out on a floured board and knead.
Leave to rise for about 10 minutes, or till it doubles in size. Return the dough to a floured board and knead a little pressing with your knuckles. Cut into small diamond shapes and shallow fry in hot oil until golden.

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