The movie Moonlight won the best movie at the 2017 Academy Awards in Los Angeles. However the event turned bad quickly after the host announced La La land as the winner. It has been described as the worst incident in Oscar history. The awards was presented by Warren Beatty ( Hollywood actor) and Faye Dunaway (Hollywood actress). The cast had started giving their acceptance speech. When they made the mistake in the announcement when one of the producers interrupted the speech to say that the award had gone to the wrong movie and said that Moonlight was the real winner. Mr Beatty held up the envelope to prove that they had made a mistake. Beatty got handed the wrong envelope, he in fact was handed the best actress which was won by Emma Stone who had won her award for acting in La la land. Earlier in the ceremony Mahershala Ali won best actor for his role in the movie, he was the first black actor to win in 3 years.
3 words
Blunder: Error/ stupid mistake
Victor: Winner
Ceremony : Celebration
Source: Kiwi Kids News
My Opinion
I kind of think that after 89 Academy awards you wouldn’t make a mistake like that.
My wondering: I wonder if that has ever happened in the past and by who?