Tuesday, 28 February 2017

Current Events : The 2017 Academy awards mistake!

The movie Moonlight won the best movie at the 2017 Academy Awards in Los Angeles. However the event turned bad quickly after the host announced La La land as the winner. It has been described as the worst incident in Oscar history. The awards was presented by Warren Beatty ( Hollywood actor) and Faye Dunaway (Hollywood actress). The cast had started giving their acceptance speech.  When they made the mistake in the announcement when one of the producers interrupted the speech to say that the award had gone to the wrong movie and said that Moonlight was the real winner. Mr Beatty held up the envelope to prove that they had made a mistake.  Beatty got handed the wrong envelope, he in fact was handed the best actress which was won by Emma Stone who had won her award for acting in La la land. Earlier in the ceremony Mahershala Ali won best actor for his role in the movie, he was the first black actor to win in 3 years.
3 words
Blunder: Error/ stupid mistake
Victor: Winner
Ceremony : Celebration
Source: Kiwi Kids News
My Opinion
I kind of think that after 89 Academy awards you wouldn’t make a mistake like that.
My wondering: I wonder if that has ever happened in the past and by who?

IE Learning

For my IE this year I am going to be learning about Maori tribes and Maori history.

What is it I hope I will come to understand more deeply through this inquiry?
To learn about a different culture that also lives in New Zealand. I would like to learn more about their history and how the came to NZ. Also to learn about the relationship between the Maori and the British when signing the treaty of Waitangi.

What knowledge might I need to help move towards this understanding?
I need to be able to summarize information and not just copy and paste it. I need to be able to skim through the book.

What is it I hope to be able to do more competently?  (skills)
To be able to pronounce words in Te Reo confidently and know more about the culture.

What learning powers will this inquiry help me practice and develop further?  
Curiosity because to chose my topic I had to be curious and step outside my comfort zone.

Resilience because I will have to show Resilience when researching my questions  and when i'm creating me end product.
Creativity because I have to be creative when making my share and create.
Being me because when choosing my topic I had to step away from what my friends are doing and do my own thing.
Connecting, because I have to talk to experts about my questions and email people.

Wednesday, 22 February 2017

What charity do I support

Image result for give a littleIf I supported a charity it would be Give a Little. I think I would chose Give a little because they are people fundraising for others. For example people are doing the "Shave for a cure"  which is when the cut off their hair for cancer, the use give a little to help support the Cancer foundation.

Monday, 20 February 2017


Last week Rami came to our school to teach us about some circuits. At school we have huff and puff circuits are a way for us to get puffing in under five minutes which is the amount of time we have. We got asked to make a circuit and share it on our blogs. My circuit has some activities from Netball and from school. Here is my circuit

Monday, 13 February 2017

My self circle

For the past few days we have been working on our Taguls. Tagul is a generator that turns words into shapes. we used it for our self circle. We put all of our information into tagul and then the words turn into the pictures. We had to write words like swimming, family etc, things that means something to me. I put on my wonderings as well. It was really cool but difficult at times to make because, you had to get the shading on your photo right and some of your words had to be repeated, some larger than others. Overall I really liked the way it turned out.  Here is my one ->
You can try out Tagul to click this link :)

How my brain learns

How my brain learns
Image result for keeping hydrated clipartToday we have been learning about how our brain works. I found out heaps of new information that I didn’t know before. Miss Coles taught us all about the brain. She wanted us to write some facts about our brain that others might not know.

  • We found out that the left side of the brain controls the right side of the body, and the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body.
  • To keep hydrated because when you are dehydrated you find it really hard to learn.
  • Get a good night sleep, if you don't get a good night sleep you try to fall asleep in class.
  • You need to keep a balanced diet because if your have too much sugar and not enough will find it hard to learn.

I found it quite interesting that we had to keep a balanced diet because I think that sometimes I eat too much sugar and I all of a sudden go crazy. What do you think, is there any other facts about the brain you know??

Wednesday, 8 February 2017


One of my favorite things to do is to take photos so I decided I wanted to share some of them.


My Pepeha 2017

Ko Mt Te aroha  toku maunga
My mountain is  Mt Te aroha .
Ko Piako(river) toku awa
My river is Piako
Ko firth of thames  (sea/harbour) toku moana
My harbour/sea is firth of thames.
Ko NZ European (tribe/nationality) toku iwi.
My nationality  is NZ European
No  Ngatea     (place where you are from)
I am from  Ngatea
Ko Ngatea Primary   (school) toku Kura
My School is   Ngatea Primary .
Ko Graeme (father) toku matua
My father is Graeme .
Ko Charlotte (mother) toku whaea
My mother is Charlotte .
Ko Alyson (your name) toku ingoa
My name is  Alyson.
No Reira, Tena koutou, Tena Koutou, Tena Tatou Katoa
Therefore, greetings to you, greetings to you, greetings to us all

Monday, 6 February 2017

One Word

Image result for believe quote
My one word for 2017 is Believe. I think that I have to believe in myself and task risks, step out of my comfort zone, think outside the blog. I have to push myself harder and believe that I can do it. #OneWord2017