The last 3 days we have been at camp at Totara Springs. On the first day we had a tour and did Top Town. We did a rotation.They were mostly Team Building activity's.Later on we did river side activity's.The activity's were Kayaking,Water slide,Beach volleyball and the water hole.I first went to the water hole and jumped of the bridge and hit the ice cold water it started doing freestyle to he ladder I was scared an eel was chasing me. I went to the water slide next. I fell into the water i was eager to get another turn. Next Kayaking I kept on crashing into the side but I got there in the end. We had dinner then did a Burma Trail. I got a bruise on my knee I was so scared. We slowly drifted to sleep. We woke up and had breakfast. There was Jet planes up for grabs for who had the tidiest cabin. We got the jet planes. After that we did a rotation.My group did rock climbing first and it was very hard and you had to be careful. We went back to have morning tea then went to the Go Karts. I almost went off the track but I stayed on. After that we went to the Gym and did Crate Climb. I got 11 crate on but I got so scared. The record at Totara springs is 32 and it touched the roof. Paige got 19 and got half way.We had a Lunch break then got into the Flying fox. It was amazing but I backed out a couple times but got there in the end. Then we did abseiling it was scary but really fun. Then we had afternoon tea. We were lucky enough to get to go in the Hot Pool. Then we had a delicious Dinner. Later on in the night we went eeling. We sadly didn't catch an eel. We made Damper it was really yum. After that we made S'mores. They are Marshmallows roasted on the camp fire and stuck in between two Biscuits but we put ours in Chocolate Thins. We went back to our cabins and fell asleep. That morning we had Pancakes and they were yum. We had to pack up our cabins. We got to do BMX Dodge Ball and Human sized Foosball. Then we went on the Hydro Slide. The Hydro Slide is 128 meters long it is the second biggest in the southern Hemisphere. Once we had done that we went into the Hot Pool.We had a delicious Lunch. After that we had to pack the cars and head back to school.

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