Tuesday, 31 January 2017

Multiple intelligence

Just like last year we to the Multiple intelligence test. I think that this test is a bt different to my last one. My highest was Visual smarts/ Spatial. I know that in maths I like to see what i'm doing and be able to understand.  Also when  I am getting taught techniques I like looking instead of thinking about it.    Mathematical/ Logical I did OK in. 

Sometimes  I find it hard to picture all the numbers and rhythms in my head. I think that have really been improving on this. I got the same for Linguistic/ Word smart and Naturalistic/ Nature smart. I like spelling and writing even though i'm not that good at it I try hard. I like to explore nature and go on walks and bike rides. I like it when we drive through the Karangahake gorge just looking at how beautiful it is.

Last time my 3 highest were People smart, Word Smart and Body Smart. Only one of them is the same but I think that's because I have changed and grown a lot in my learning last year and the start of this year. We also took another test to show what type of learners and my results are down below. My highest wast Tactile which means I like learning hands on.
Auditory: 35% Visual: 20% Tactile: 45%