Parts of Hawaii have received up to 90 cm of snow over the past few days!!!! Weather experts say it's not unusual to have snow to fall in Hawaii. But It hasn't really hasn't fallen that heavy before.
Source Kiwi Kids News
Rating 10/10
My Opinion: I find this article quite interesting because everybody says Hawaii is one of the hottest places in the world !!
Fun Fact: Did you know that Hawaii is the only state that grows coffee
Hi I am Alyson, I am a year 8 student at Ngatea Primary School. I love Swimming and Netball. My Teachers are Mrs Hull, Miss Coles and Miss Williams. I hope you enjoy my blog.
Tuesday, 13 December 2016
Wednesday, 7 December 2016
Monday, 5 December 2016
Current Events: John key Resigns ?!?!
Prime minister john key has resigned from his role and will step down next week . Yesterday the prime minister announced he will be holding a special news conference. Then and there was when he announced that he was going to resign. He said it was the hardest thing he ever had to do. Now the national party have to chose a new leader for the job. John key has been in Parliament for 10 years and 8 of those years were serving as prime minister
Source Kiwi Kids News
My opinion
I think that John Key stepping down has surprised most of us. In my eyes he was doing a great job. I really do hope that the National party can select another great Prime minister like John key!!
fun fact : He has 2 children Stephanie and Max. He has been married for 32 years and his wife's name is Bronagh Key
Rating 10 /10
I wonder.....
If I was a Christmas decoration what would you be and why ???
I would like to be the star on the top of the tree. Because I would have a grand view of all of the presents and I would be able to tell it they would getting touched. I would shine in the light and sparkle all night and who could forget the star is the cutest thing on the tree
Wednesday, 30 November 2016
Blogging challenge: My favourite space
My favourite space
My Favourite space in Marama is the end classroom that used to be room 10.
It’s my Favourite class room because it is quiet and not to loud, but it isn’t silent which is what I like. It’s a great space for collaborating in and there is plenty of tables. You can work easily with a buddy and with groups. Blogging challenge: learning conversation.
On Monday My Mum, Dad and I went down to school to have our learning conversation. My Parent's Enjoyed coming down to talk to the teachers about my learning. They learn’t lots of new thing that they haven’t really seen before. They said they were really proud of me.
Tuesday, 29 November 2016
Blogging challenge : LEGO Man
For one of the blogging challenges this week you have to design a lego person that represents you! For my lego person I got an image and then used google drawing to find some shapes that match to the lego person. I chose to put a netball uniform on my person because I love netball. I am also holding a book and a pen because I love to draw and read.
Monday, 28 November 2016
Current Events: China Plans to Build a hotel on Mt Everest
China has big plans to commercialize Mt Everest the Tibetan side of Mt Everest. They have plans for Hotels, Restaurants and gyms. This idea came after china opened a new asphalt highway to base camp north. In between those places is the Tibetan plateau. However the Tibetan route isn’t as popular as the Nepal one. China is hoping to bring more climbers into the region and bring growth to Tibet through tourism. Another element to develop plans is the 2020 Beijing Winter Olympics. The hope for the Everest development is to popularize the Winter sports in china ahead of the games.
Source Kiwi Kids News
My opinion : I think it is quite an amazing idea, because you will be able to visit there without having to climb to see the amazing views. I think that I would never go there to climb the mountain but you can go there to relax. I could see China benefiting from this in many ways.
Fun Fact : I always thought that Mt Everest was in America however it is in Asia.
Rating 8.5/10
Sunday, 27 November 2016
Blogging challenge: Quote about the rest of the Year.
I chose this quote because some times an amazing time just begin with one step. I feel the same about next year. The first step I take next year to come to school could change my whole life. It's a gamble sometimes you have to take the challenge!
Wednesday, 23 November 2016
Group Endeavor
As you know this term we have been working on our group endeavors. If you go onto you would be able to see what that is all about. So far we have answered all our questions and summaries. Jammena and I have started on our creation. Our creation is a model Hydro Dam and wind turbines. We have also started making a website with everything you need to know about your carbon footprint, and of course I will share the link with you.
We have also filmed a video on how solar power works and Ryan is editing it now. We each had a question to solve and mine was How important is energy in order for everything to work?. That’s a lot of air pollution. Next Friday we are going on a trip to the Mangatangi and Mangatawhiri dams to look at the hydro dams and how they work. I hope by then we can fully understand the system and how it works. By the time you guys have the next update we will be done till then.
Monday, 21 November 2016
Myth/ Legend
A wee while ago we had to write a Myth or Legend for school so I thought I would share it
One day Tane Mahuta god of the forest was walking throw his forests looking up at his children reaching for the stars and he noticed something in the bushes. He thought it was a Tui but it wasn’t. It had a brown body with a small white beek. The weird thing was that he had 3 toes on each foot. Tane Mahuta examined the bird and was thinking is this a Tui or a Fantail.
He looked closer and it was neither. He looked even closer and it was a new bird that he has never seen. Tane Mahuta has been in this forest for years so why hadn't he stumbled upon this bird before now. He was thinking and thinking and thinking. After a while he decided to go to his flax home and put the kiwi to sleep.
He dreamt about this bird. At breakfast he decided to go outside and eat some kiwi fruit. He gave a little to kiwi and he loved it. Tane Mahuta had an idea.
He decided to call the bird kiwi. He went outside again for his walk and decided to go a little further. He found a whole heap of little kiwis.He thought does the rest of my island have these amazing birds.
He decided to set out far and wide so the rest of his country could have these birds. He set off. When he came back there was even more he was in love with these little kiwi birds. You know how this bird is a native New Zealand bird well that’s because you can only find these birds in New zealand.
We are super lucky to have these birds and Tane Mahuta must have done it right because the are still all alive.
Sunday, 20 November 2016
My Weekend
On Friday we headed up to Orere Point. Orere Point is where my Dad grew up and where my Poppy and Aunty live. We went up there because it was Mermaids. Mermaids is a local women's fishing comp. When we got up there we headed over to Poppy’s house to see him. It’s quite cool because him and Aunty live side by side and we can just walk through the hedge to go to either house. We decided to play some board games. We headed back to Auntys and had some dinner then chilled a bit until it was time to go to bed. The next morning we went into Manukau city to do some shopping. I got some jeans and a nice jacket for Christmas. We decided to be lazy and get Pizza Hut for dinner.
When we got back I did some of the hand sewing I have to do for tech and watched some TV. When it got dark we decided to do some sparklers. It was really fun because we could spend some time together having some fun. Soon we ran out of sparklers so poppy went inside and came out with some sort of firework that shoots up to the sky then flies away. It was really loud though. We said goodnight then headed to Auntys. I finished most of my hand sewing and watched some TV. The next morning when I woke up I had some Chocolate milk and a banana. We packed a picnic for the beach and cleaned up all our stuff then headed of. We went to a local regional park called Tapapakanga, Tarps for short.
When we got there there was all these cool cars. We had our picnic then me and Jayde decided to go and put our feet in the water and it was really warm. After a while we headed of and got back home. Dad was telling us how Annie had caught a 5.6kg snapper and the person who got first won by 200g. We decided to go to the pools and have a nice swim. After a couple of hours we hoped out and went home. It was a really fun weekend and I can’t wait for more!
Thursday, 17 November 2016
Current events: All Black Win Big At World Rugby Awards
The All Blacks took many of the top prizes at the World held at the Hilton in London on Saturday Night. All Blacks Player Beauden Barrett won the player of the year award. The All blacks won team of the year prize for the 7th consecutive season. The All Blacks Coach Steve Hansen won coach of the year for the 4th time.
Source Kiwi Kids News
My opinion: I think that Beauden Barrett deserves to win the award because he isn't a ball hog and if he can get a try but it isn't definite he doesn't go he passes to the person that could definitely get it.
Monday, 14 November 2016
Sunday, 13 November 2016
Steampunk the Thames
At Thames on the weekend there was a festival on called Steam Punk. For the past few months my sisters and I have been working on our costume. The day started of with the car parade. It was amazing. Then it went onto the markets and then the circus. The circus was my favourite part because everything was free except for the food. They had some really fun games like throw the rings, bouncy castle races and more. I spent most of my time hanging out with Archie and Jayde.
There was really cool performances like this girl who had a ring with ropes and a huge structure to it and she climbed up to the top of the post and started going into a handstand. There were these two men who came up aswell and they started juggling around her. It was such an amazing day and I can’t wait until next year!
Monday, 7 November 2016
Athletics at Ngatea School
On Friday last week Ngatea school had our annual athletics. My First event was high jump. I cleared my first jump at 1m. I cleared the next jump as well at 1.5m. When we got to the 1.10m I got nervous so I ran up and then stopped. When we were having our second go it started raining. Sophie was the first one and she slipped on the grass so they decided to cancel it.
Our next event was the 100m sprint. I didn’t do to well in that though. Long jump came up next so we went over. I’m not that good a long jump. We had our 800m afterwards so of I went. When I was running I did something to my toe that trigger it to go purple. I ended up getting 10th.
We had a bit of a break and then we had to go to shot put. I threw OK but I didn’t make it into the top 3. Our last event was the 200m run. I didn’t end up doing it because my toe had now started going blue. I went home with my Aunty and that was the end of my day.
But wait there’s more today at school we did discus. The furthest I threw was 11m. I didn’t get into the top 3 but I still did quite well. I enjoyed athletics and I can’t wait till next year!
Sunday, 6 November 2016
Weekend adventures
On Saturday night my dad, sister and I headed to the Huntly placemakers speedway. First we headed into Huntley to get some dinner. I got subway and they got KFC. There was a bit of traffic but we made it to the speedway. When we walked in they had just started the first race which was the saloons. We sat down and slowly the night faded away. The commentator kept going on about the fireworks all night and how he wanted to push the button. There was a kid up in the box with him called Sammy and he got to push the button. I think that the person in charge was just messing with him. After the fireworks everybody started leaving, so we decided to move down closer.
After 2 races I asked dad for some ice cream and surprisingly he said yes. So Kaylah and I headed of to get ice cream. You had the choice of getting strawberry vanilla or mixed. I got vanilla and Kaylah got mixed. They were so smooth and creamy. IT was the last race and 1 lap in we had a massive pile up. It took them about 5- 10 minutes to undo the guy. He was on his side and then 2 cars came and rammed up behind him. They used the tractors to untangle this sticky situation. They finished the race and everybody started leaving. We decided to have a look in the pit. So of we went. We saw some of the cars then decided to head of home. Over all I had an amazing time somebody's roof came off and I can’t wait for Speedfest for more info head to
Goal reflection
I have worked on this goal but I don't think I really understand it enough to have passed it. So next week I will continue to work on this goal.
Tuesday, 1 November 2016
Thursday, 27 October 2016
Goal Reflection
Collaboration - collaborate with my group achieve shared goals…
I think I have achieved this goal by working with some other students who I don't usually work with. During GE times we worked in a group I we got most of our stuff done and we didn't muck around as much. Overall I had an amazing week and can't wait till next week!!
Wednesday, 26 October 2016
My Mural
The plane is flying,
The stars are shining
The flag is floating,
The fish are biting
The boat is turning
The sky is sparkling
The poppies are soaring
The truck is whisking
The waves are unlimited
The crosses standing tall
The tent is swinging in the wind
The world is in my hands
This is me, my family and life.
Labour weekend
On Thursday My Dad, Sister and Poppy went do too paraparaumu to get our new boat. They stayed the night down there then came back on friday. I rushed home from school but there was no boat. At around 4:30 I see a ute with a boat on it come past and then I realise that that we our new boat. I was so excited I ran around and helped dad back in p.s I only guided him 👍.
As soon as he turned of the ute I jumped in to have a look. I jumped on the seats and laid in the beds. Then I see this really cool window at the front of the boat so I popped it open and saw dad and we started pulling faces at each other. I see all the cool features like a live bait tank and a cool sliding window that dad got put on special.
Not long after they came Mum turned up and so did my Grandad. It was my Mum’s birthday so grandad bought her some flowers and we got her a locket. Poppy left and we had Drew and Maria come over, they are some of our parents friends.Maria we kind and brought us around some food for the BBQ. Not long after Izzy and the kids came around.
Toki and I hung out in the boat trying to see where we could fit. I went inside for a while then when I came out I saw that Fraggile, Jodi, Adam and Parky had came around. Izzy was manning the Barbie and Lexi was inside cooking some wraps. My Aunty and Cousins came around later on and we all curled up and watched a movie in the lounge.
Thursday, 20 October 2016
Reflection on my week
The best thing about my week was making the miniature garden. If you look at my previous blog post you will see all about those :). I finished all my work and just cruised over the finish line. The hardest part was probably my Manga High. Some of my questions were really hard but there is an opportunity to learn more. Overall I had a really good week. I can't wait for next week.
Wednesday, 19 October 2016
Tuesday, 18 October 2016
Diy Miniature Garden creations!!!
DIY Miniature Garden creations
Today we created a mini garden. You brought your own supplies in and then we got creating. We started off with a small plan and went from there. I decided to create a fairy garden. I got some small pebbles from our fish tank and some succulents out of the garden. I grabbed some fairy lights of my wall and some sting.
When we started of in the morning we did a quick plan and then started. I started by grabbing some sand and putting it in the bottom of my container. I placed in my succulents and spread some pebbles around them. I went on a stick hunt with Emma to find some sticks for my bunting. I took my sticks, string and my triangles and hot glued them together. I placed them in and started taping some fairy lights onto the top of my container.
When I was all done I cleaned up all my mess and took my masterpiece inside. After morning tea Moana and whenua came into our class to look at our creations. We explained to them all the different parts to them and they seemed quite fascinated. I really enjoyed making these gardens and hopefully we can make them again.
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My Masterpiece |
Sunday, 16 October 2016
Learning in the Making reflection
Learning in the Making!!!
Last Friday our school got to have a create make kind of day. It was our 3rd annual Learning in the making conference. The conference is a day to explore new learning and make it a bit funner. A lot of preparation went into the conference and lots of planning. We had to sell our workshop to everyone who had that booklet, Lara and I were running a workshop so we had to sell it and that took a bit of planning and hard work.
We started our morning by having a 2 key speakers. The Yr 1-3 had Mrs Barker and she read a book and Mr Osborne talked to the year 4-8 about jobs in the future etc. After talking to Mr Osborne we headed to our first breakout. My first break out was Drama. I was in a group with Ayisha, Emma and Myself. We performed a couple of skits and then it was time to go.
We had morning tea then I headed to my next breakout. For the next breakout I was doing Fun with felt and buttons with Mrs Heaven. We all made flowers and we attached them to either a Hair Tie, Clip, bookmark or a bracelet. I choose to make mine into a bookmark. I cut out the felt then sewed it all together. Then I chose a button to put on to and sewed that one. Now I got some more felt and made a bookmark and sewed it all together.
When the workshop was over I had Lunch and got ready for my next workshop. After lunch Lara and I were making some cool 3D creations with the years 1-3. We did quite well with the first group but with the second group they just seemed to be mucking around a lot, so they didn’t get theirs finished. Some I took them home and finished them over the weekend.
Next year if we got to have some different workshops I would probably say an amazing race around the school would be awesome. The learning in the making conference is an amazing opportunity for all the students and teachers to learn new things. The best part about all of this is that we are the only school in New Zealand to get to do this so we are pretty lucky. I can’t wait till next year to hopefully have another one.
Wednesday, 12 October 2016
The Marama Way
What am I going to to ensure that I make the most of Term 4 2016?
I am going to make sure that I drink lots f water. I seem to get dehydrated so I need to keep on drinking my water and filling up my water bottle. It just keeps me healthy and ready to learn!
I also need to make sure I am using my brain breaks because sometimes you just need a healthy snack or a quick run around outside. It helps me when I am feeling bored and when I get stuck on a question.
Quick Write
My holiday
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Avatar of Aunty Baillee |
In the holidays I spent most of my time hanging out with family and going to work with my Dad. My favorite part of my holidays was going to the movies with some family friends. Aunty Baillee came to our house early in the morning with Alex and Zoe. We went back to her house and meet Bridget, Justin and Blake. We spent some time mucking around and then we loaded into different cars and took of to Thames.
When we first got there we got Pizza from Pizza Hut and then went to the Grahamstown Train station and had our pizza. We headed of to the movies to see Pete’s Dragon. When the movie was over we headed back to Aunty Baillee’s house. Bridget, Justin and Blake went home, so we decided to have a war. We got some of the old fruit that had fallen of the trees and began to stock up. It was Alex and I against Zoe and Jayde.
We spent about 2 hours mucking around and then it was time to go home. We piled into the Ute and headed to Kopu to meet Mum. We said goodbye and then we hopped into the car to go home. That was probably the best part about my holiday
Monday, 19 September 2016
Volley ball down at HPC
Volley ball down at HPC
Today we all walked down to the local college to take volley ball with some of the year 12s. When we got down there we piled into the gym and listened to Ange talk. After she had finished talking we split into our groups. I meet the leaders of our group and they were called Rihanna and Daniel.
We played a quick game of line tag and then got straight into it. We got split into pairs so Edell and I went with each other. We just did some serving to the wall and then we starting serving to each other. We kept switching partners so we could work with others. We had a little time left so we played some real volleyball.
We were split in half and we started. When Liam had the first serve you could hear the big thud. When the ball came at me I whacked it as hard as I could. Then after a little while we swapped around so I was now a server. My first serve wasn’t that good but after awhile they started getting better. We heard the final school bell go, so we knew it was time to leave.
On Thursday we have another session and I can’t wait. I had lots of fun and I think other students did to.
Thursday, 15 September 2016
Goal reflection: Never give up !!!
Never give up
This week our goal was to never give up even when it was hard. I really tried to challenge myself this week. I have been learning all about square and square roots, i'm slowly improving and getting the hang of it. When I was completing my maths PAT. I found some of the questions difficult but I still tried and never gave up. This will be my goal throughout the year.
Wednesday, 14 September 2016
Current events: Golden day for paralympians
Track sprinter Liam Malone ran to victory in the 200m final. He broke the record of South African Oscar Pistorius in the T44 classification for athletes running with the aid of prosthetic.
In the pool Sophie Pascoe and Cameron Leslie smashed their opponents in finals.
Pascoe received her third gold of these Games. Which means Pascoe is now New Zealand most successful Paralympic. Her latest gold means she passes Eve Rimmer, who won eight golds in different track and field events from 1968 to 1980.
Swimmers have won five of New Zealand’s six gold medals in Rio.
Source:Kiwi Kids News
My opinion: I love that we go and attend these games and do well. I think not as many people care about the Paralympics as the Olympics.
Source:Kiwi Kids News
My opinion: I love that we go and attend these games and do well. I think not as many people care about the Paralympics as the Olympics.
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